Saturday, July 12, 2008

Looking back

I was scanning all of my favorite blogs tonight and was reminded of how hard the wait to bring your child/children home can be. AlthoughI cant imagine how, I had in some ways forgotten just how hard it is. On the 4th we always watch the fireworks out on an island of one of our big area lakes (thanks Janice for letting us popsquat on your yard:)) and as I was watching Helina and Logan run around playing it struck me that exactly 1 year ago I was sitting in that exact spot dreaming of the time when Noah and Helina would be enjoying the fireworks with us. Wow, what a difference a year can make. It seems like time slows down when you children are waiting for you on the other side of the world but I want to encourage those who are waiting who might be visiting me here. Before you know it your children WILL be here and your lives will be richer and fuller for it.

Tonight as the kids were out front playing in the sprinkler Helina came running towards me (trying to get me wet I think). Something in the way she was smiling as she ran took me back to that day in January when I was anxiously awaiting my first glimpse of her at her orphanage. She came running through the gate after school with that same big smile on her face. It brought me to tears for some reason. I feel so blessed to have been given the gift of these children. And now that I am looking back on this journey and all that it entailed instead of trudging through it I can say without a doubt that it is ALL worth it!


Rebecca Lily said...

Oh Amy this was so encouraging!!

That was me this 4th... thinking of Owen and dreaming of him sitting beside us on the blanket. It is so hard to wait. I know it will be worth it, but this side of Gotcha Day is just trying my patience!!!

Your comment about Hilena made me teary-eyed. I love that bright smile of hers. She lights up every room she walks into.


Chris said...

Amy , you are so right :)
Before we get our children life is so slow but now that they are home it seem unreal. I often look at Ava with a smile mix with tears and thinking how bless we are to have her in our life .
They are amazing children.
Enjoy your summer.

Rebecca said...

Amen sister!!! That is so true and it couldn't have been said better.
What was it about the 4th? I was thinking the same thing as Ava sat on my lap. We are so blessed.

Sandee said...

Yes, Encouraging. Today is my China girls 5th birthday. Two years ago I brought her home from China...and yes, what a difference a year (or two) make.

I can only imagine what it will be like when Olivia is here.

Thanks for your encouraging words, when the wait seems long.

Sylvia said...

I agree. The wait is soooo hard, but once you have your babes, you never look back.

Lisa said...

I'm waiting!!!! :-)) I am hoping my time is coming soon! I can't wait to experience the joy and fulfillment of motherhood (again). Thanks for the encouragement Amy! Hugs!!

SisterMom said...

Oh-- I remember that smile!! How sweet and beautiful!

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Thank you so much for this post! It was recommended to me by someone because they knew I was having a hard time right now with the wait! I know it is more than worth it but it is still hard.

Noah's Mommy